Canada-A Major Producer and Exporter of Rapeseed


Canada is often regarded as a country with vast territory and developed economy. It is a “high-end” country, but in fact it is also a “down-to-earth” agricultural country. China is a world-famous "granary". Canada is rich in oil and grains and meat, it is the world’s largest producer of rapeseed, as well as wheat,main producing countries of wheat, soybeans and beef. In addition to domestic consumption, Canada consumes approximately half of agricultural products are exported and are highly dependent on the international market.
The Canadian government attaches great importance to the promotion of agricultural exports. It is currently the eighth largest exporter of agricultural products in the world, including rapeseed, wheat, etc.The international market share of many products ranks among the top.
Rapeseed is the world's second largest oilseed after soybeans, accounting for 13% of world oilseed production in 2022/2023.The world's major rapeseed producing countries include the European Union, Canada, China, India, Australia, Russia and Ukraine. The rapeseed production of these seven countries accounts for 92% of the world's total production.
Judging from the sowing cycles of the EU, China, India, Australia and Ukraine, rapeseed is sown in autumn, harvested in June-August in the EU and Ukraine, April-May in China and India, and October-November in Australia. Canadian rapeseed is all spring rapeseed. Sow later and harvest earlier. Usually, planting is done in early May and harvested from the end of August to early September. The whole growth cycle is 100-110 days, but sowing in southern areas usually starts at the end of April, slightly earlier than in western areas.


Canada is the world's second largest producer and largest exporter of rapeseed. Canada's rapeseed seed supply is monopolized by several international giants such as Monsanto and Bayer, and it is the first country in the world to commercially cultivate genetically modified rapeseed on a large scale. Canada’s genetically modified rapeseed planting area accounts for more than 90% of the total rapeseed area.
Global rapeseed production will increase significantly in 2022/2023, reaching a record high of 87.3 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 17%. In addition to the rebound in Canadian rapeseed production, production in the European Union, Australia, Russia, Ukraine and other countries has also increased. Global rapeseed production is likely to stabilize at 87 million tonnes in 2023/2024, with the global average revised down slightly for Australia, although increases in India, Canada and China partially offset the Australian decline. The end result was essentially the same as last year.
Overall, Canadian canola remains in high demand on the global market.


Post time: Apr-23-2024