Mexican Agriculture Overview


Rich agricultural resources: Mexico is rich in natural resources, including fertile land, sufficient water sources, and suitable climatic conditions, which provide a solid foundation for Mexico’s agricultural development.

Rich and diverse agricultural products: Mexican agriculture is mainly based on planting. The main agricultural products include corn, beans, wheat, soybeans, cotton, tobacco, coffee, fruit trees, etc.

Based on the needs of agriculture, there is a huge demand for seed machinery. The seed materials are operated on the field. After the purity reaches more than 90%, they are further processed towards higher commercialization. Among them, removing various impurities in seed materials is the first step in achieving commercialization of seed processing.  

People hope that the purity of seeds will be as high as possible, but the higher the purity, the more difficult it will be. It is like refining pure gold, which is only more than 99%. Recognizing and understanding this regularity is necessary for the scientific and reasonable selection of seed processing machinery.

General principles for purchasing machinery

Machines with different principles focus on the impurities or functions they remove during seed processing. Among them, cleaning machinery has more principles and types, so you should be careful when purchasing. The general principles are as follows.​

(1) If the weight of the cleaned seeds is significantly lighter than that of the good seeds, and the size is significantly different from that of the good seeds, an air screen cleaning machine should be selected. This machine is currently widely used.  

(2) When there is a significant difference in length and length, and there are still long or short impurities that cannot be removed after air screening, a socket-type concentrator should be tried.

(3) After being processed by the air screen cleaning machine and the socket type selection machine, the purity has been significantly improved, and the particle size is relatively uniform, but there are still some shriveled kernels, insect-eaten kernels, and ear rot diseased kernels in corn. ; Shrunken kernels, insect-sucked kernels, and shelled kernels in wheat; shriveled kernels, smut kernels, and sprouted kernels in rice; insect-eaten kernels, diseased kernels, and wrinkled kernels in beans. Most of the above impurities are density. Impurities are often similar in weight to good seeds, or even heavier than good seeds, and cannot be removed without using specific gravity selection machinery. With the development of the seed industry, specific gravity selection machinery has become increasingly popular, and its operation is more difficult than that of air screen cleaning machinery.

Post time: Dec-20-2023