The efficacy and function of soybeans

Soybean is an ideal high-quality plant protein food. Eating more soybeans and soy products is beneficial to human growth and health.
Soybeans are very rich in nutrients, and their protein content is 2.5 to 8 times higher than that of cereals and potato foods. Except for low sugar, other nutrients, such as fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc. Nutrients necessary for the human body are higher than cereals and potatoes. It is an ideal high-quality vegetable protein food.
Soy products are a common food on people’s tables. Scientists have found that eating more soy protein has a preventive effect on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and tumors.
Soybean contains about 40% protein and about 20% fat, while the protein content of beef, chicken and fish are 20%, 21% and 22% respectively. Soybean protein contains a variety of amino acids, especially the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. The content of lysine and tryptophan is relatively high, accounting for 6.05% and 1.22% respectively. The nutritional value of soybeans is second only to meat, milk and eggs, so it has the reputation of “vegetable meat”.
Soy contains a variety of physiologically active substances that are very beneficial to human health, such as soy isoflavones, soy lecithin, soy peptides, and soy dietary fiber. The estrogen-like effects of soy isoflavones benefit arterial health and prevent bone loss, and women should consume more soy protein from plants. Soy flour can amplify the nutritional effect of protein and increase the intake of high-quality vegetable protein in the diet.
Soybeans are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E can not only destroy the chemical activity of free radicals, inhibit skin aging, but also prevent pigmentation on the skin.

Post time: Feb-08-2023